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12/5/2023 DI1 day 1.


We are in the pre-op room waiting for her blood results. Her blood sugars were pretty low this morning as she didn’t want to drink much apple juice.

Once her blood work comes back, and if her counts are good, the nurses will access her port and start her on fluids. (Dextrose) which will hopefully increase her blood sugar level.

She will go back for her 1st Lumbar puncture of this phase, with chemo administered in her spinal fluid. Praying for a successful procedure with good results.

Once she comes out of the procedure room we will be in recovery for a bit and then head back to our clinic area to start her chemo infusions. Today she starts the red chemo. I pray that her body accepts it with minimal to no side effects. I pray for a smooth therapy session today and successful port access.

She will start high dose steroids today for this phase. Pray for us! Steroids really do a number to her happiness… and appetite. 😅

Big day 1!! Let’s get it baby girl!! #AmoraStrong !! God is with us!

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