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08/22/2023 - I love you, Amora

Today was a good day! Amora wanted to go to the playroom for the first time since her treatment started. And even if it was for only 10 minutes, it’s progress and I am so happy and blessed, thank you God! She’s even been asking for her cousins and wanting to see people more. It makes my heart full!! Yesterday she told me for the first time since treatment, “I love you momma” “you’re so nice”. I LOVE YOU TOO BABY!! I’ll shout it from the tallest mountain!! I give it all to you LORD!

We may get to go home Friday! Amora still has a large gape in her chest from her port removal so we will have to be diligent on her wound care. My girl is proving to be powerful and resilient! One day at a time.

If we get to go home we will continue her oral chemo therapy for a week then we will be back for her second bone marrow biopsy. This is a very important biopsy because it determines how well the treatment is going along with the next steps in her chemo therapy. I ask for your prayers again! Pray for her wound to be resilient against bacteria and infection while it heals! Pray that it heals and closes within the next few weeks. Please pray for her well-being and pray that her therapy goes as planned. Pray that her cancer cell counts are negligent to none by her second bone marrow biopsy. I give all the Glory to God for every good day and every step of progress. Your prayers are strong and our God is the most powerful!! He is in control and I trust HIM!

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