Update: We did not receive definitive results from her pathology labs to determine what type of leukemia she has. The type determines treatment and port/placement. Because we do not have definitive results, the port placement and spinal tap have been moved to tomorrow(wednesday). In order to get definitive results, Amora must undergo the bone marrow biopsy. The samples will be sent to pathology to get a definitive diagnosis on type. Amora’s eyes have been a concern for me since Saturday. Her blood vessels in her eyes have burst and the once white around her iris is now a deep red. The oncologist will need to run Amora through MRI imaging diagnostics to determine if there is anything more going on in the lining between her eyes and her brain. This will all be considered for the type of treatment she will receive. She will have her blood drawn early this morning and today she will be going under anesthesia for her MRI and bone marrow biopsy. We ask for your continued prayers. Prayer that her results from her bone marrow biopsy are good results. Pray that there is nothing in her imaging that would change her treatment plan. Pray for healthy white eyes. Pray that her doctors have steady hands and perform a successful surgery. Pray for a healthy baby to wake up smiling afterwards. We so deeply appreciate all your prayers and continued prayers. It means everything in the world to me and Kyle. If there is one thing that we ask for, it is genuinely for your prayers. That is all we ask and will ever ask from you. Our baby Amora is a warrior. She is going to beat this thing and we are going to be okay. In the name of Jesus! Amen.
It’s her little smile that keeps us going. We are #amorastrong