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08/03/01 - Induction Day 1

Update: MRI results showed no abnormalities. Thank you God. Amora took her first dose of chemo last night. Her side effect was kicking, screaming and high irritability. That lasted about 30 minutes until she was able to pass out. She slept until about 7am this morning and woke up complaining about her tummy. She felt warm and her temperature was taken. She had a high fever. With these immunocompromised diagnoses, they take extreme precautions once a fever is established. They have given her strong antibiotics through her port and she has taken Tylenol for her comfort. She was in so much pain this morning it was very hard as a parent to witness. My baby girl is now resting in daddy’s arms as we await her chemo dose this morning. We will also take an anti acid and gas medicine to help with her stomach pain. I hate seeing my baby girl in pain. We will be isolated in our room because of her fever until she has normal temperatures for 48 hours. We will be limiting visitors and ask that any visitors that do come by are not having any sick/cold symptoms. We will need everyone to wash their hands/sanitize before coming in our room.

She will be taking 3 types of chemotherapy. One medicine is a twice a day oral medication (if she can take it). We want her to be able to take this medication orally because we want her to be able to take it at home. It has been told that it is not the greatest tasting of the medications but I pray Amora takes it with ease even if we have to mix it with grenadine, syrup, or flavoring. This is the medication that made her thrash with anger and irritability, I’m praying that her body and mind find peace and comfort.

The second medication will be taken through her port once a week for four weeks. This is the medication that has the hair loss side effects. We do not know how long it will be for those side effects to be seen. We are praying it has no other side effects on her little body. And we are praying that if the hair loss side effect shows itself , that Amora takes it with grace.

The third medication is one that she will take once in this four week period. This is a very powerful chemo therapy. It has the possibility of effecting her pancreas and I pray to God that her little body is strong and does not allow this therapy to hurt her pancreas or any organ in her body.

I pray her body accepts these treatments with no allergic responses. I pray that she is comfortable at all times and that momma and daddy can provide that for her.

These are just her four weeks of treatment. Depending on how she responds, determines her future treatment protocol which will last 2-1/2 years. Oh my sweet baby.

I wish this on no parent. These sweet babies that we have met and my own do not deserve this. They are so pure and innocent and have so much life to live. I pray for all of these sweet babies we’ve met, Molly Kate, Joseph, Tobias, Amari, Laila, and all the others I have not. You are so loved sweet babies, and you are so strong. You will realize once you are older when you beat this, that you were a warrior in one of the toughest battles on this planet. I pray that you heal, in Gods name, and continue to thrive throughout your life with smiles on your faces. I pray you grow in faith and overcome any adversity that comes across your path. I pray for health, for the rest of your life, in Jesus name.

We have not received her results from the bone marrow biopsy, nor the spinal tap.I’m praying for good results. Thank you all for your continued prayers. They are powerful, and we feel them. I genuinely feel them lifting up our spirits and health. So please, I beg of you, continue to keep Amora in your prayers. That is my angel baby. My sweet angel baby. #AmoraStrong

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