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  • palmavenue

07/29/2023 - Part 3 - The News

Thank you all for your prayers, your continuous words of encouragement and your sincere gestures. We appreciate and see it all. We believe in the power of Prayer and submit everything to God. Yesterday we took Amora to the ER where they ran blood tests. Her hemoglobin levels were at a 3. Which is severely low. We received word that her levels are all signs that point to leukemia. I wish Kyle was there when I got the news. Kyle came and was my rock and my stability.

A couple of hours after the news, we received hope when the oncologist came in and said that the sample did not appear to show cancer cells. It was not the best sample to look at so today they took additional blood samples to run more diagnostics. Unfortunately They found abnormal cells. They aren’t sure it’s leukemia but know it’s some bone marrow failure disease. The oncologists informed us that neither one is better or worse than the other. She will undergo bone marrow sampling on Monday to help get more answers to determine our next steps.

My heart is shattered. She is strong and in good spirits. We have faith that she will be healed in Gods name. This is the unimaginable. I feel like this is a nightmare I can’t wake up from. I walked down the halls to the oncology ward and couldn’t even believe it. This can’t be real. This is going to be our home for the week/s to come. I’m not prepared for this.

On her 3rd birthday.

She is my angel. Strong and courageous. A fighter. This is our path and we have to be strong together. Resilient. Hopeful.

Lord Jesus please, in your almighty name, provide healing to my baby Amora.

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